Saturday, March 4, 2023

W7N/ES-122 Leppy Peak

 I was in town for work (why else would someone go to Wendover?), and had some time off, so naturally it was time for SOTA. The first peak I chose was Leppy Peak. This peak is on the Nevada side of the border, just north of Wendover. There is a dirt road that goes up between this peak an one on the border. I was able to drive up to a road junction (40.7603, -114.0671) in the Corolla the rental company had given me. I parked here. If you have a better vehicle you could drive closer.

Parking spot. Some views of the extensive salt flats.

From the car I began walking up the road. It was cool, and the wind was really blowing. As I climbed, however, I entered a canyon which blocked the wind, making it noticeably warmer. There was also some snow still in the canyon. It was only a few inches deep, but there were random spots where the crust would fail and I'd sink in.
Nice views looking towards Utah. Volcano Peak is the dark one in the center.

As the road begins its final climb up to a pass, I turned right and headed up a canyon. There is a small spur that splits the canyon. I went up one side and down the other, neither seemed significantly better than the other. On the ridge, I followed it towards the summit. Before the final climb you have a choice to stay high and take the south ridge, or drop down slightly and take the next ridge north. I thought it would be better to not lose elevation, but this was the wrong decision.
The south ridge, which goes up to a sub-peak, has a lot of small cliffs that you have to climb over on the way up. This wouldn't be so bad, but the rock is very rough, and there was some snow on the steep sides. I would not recommend this route. 
Summit cairn. No register, at least that I could find.

I did make it up the south ridge. On the summit ridge, just below the peak, I saw two bighorn sheep. On the summit there is a small cairn and some old wood. I took a few pics before dropping down the lee side of the hill to try and get out of the wind. This may have helped, but it was still very cold and windy up there. Since I was cold, I just used the small whip on the KX3 so I could set up quickly.
Operating on the summit.

I had good cell service on top, no issues spotting or texting. The bands weren't in great shape, but I made my contacts quickly nevertheless. I was getting cold in the wind, so I didn't stick around long. On the way down I took the "north ridge", which goes down directly from the summit. This route was much better than my ascent route. It was mostly dirt, with only one small cliffy area that I was easily able to go around. At the bottom I had a short climb up to the ridge, then back down the canyon to the road, then the car. 

Trailhead: Road junction south of the peak, about (40.7603, -114.0671). Those of you with jeeps or trucks could easily drive farther up the road.
Website: SOTA Site.
Maps: AA6XA SOTA Hikes map.
Route: Follow the road up until the final climb before the pass. Turn right, take the canyon up to the ridge. Take the ridge that leads directly to the summit, just north of the one you're on.
Red Tape: None, all BLM land.
Video: Coming soon!

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