Thursday, January 23, 2025

W6/SD-267 Copper Mountain

 It was our last day in Joshua Tree, and I wanted to get another summit before leaving. This peak, between Joshua Tree and Twenty-nine Palms, fit the bill. Copper Mountain has some towers on top, and therefore a dirt road leading to the summit. I parked in the flat area, near the intersection of Mantonya Road Siesta Drive. Siesta continues up to the summit.

Dawn in the desert

It was just about dawn as I started up the road, and I was slowed by the constant need to turn around to enjoy the sunrise. The road was in pretty good shape, and I could have driven my sedan farther up. But that was hard to tell in the dark, so I just walked a bit extra. Siesta Dr goes up a canyon for a ways, then onto the side of the hill. On the steeper sections the road was quite rutted, and high clearance would be necessary to drive up.

Heading up the canyon
As I got onto the summit, the sun came over the horizon. It was great watching the light change on the far away mountains and the desert floor. It seems like the natural summit of the mountain has been flattened, as there was a very large area on top near the towers. I set up on the edge of this, away from the towers. Since it was sunrise, I was hoping to get some European stations in the log, but the bands must not have been open. Either way, I made plenty of QSOs as I enjoyed the sunrise.
KH1 on the summit.

Before heading down I tagged the other summit, with more towers, just to be sure I had touched the high point. I then took the same road back down to the car, a quick jog. From there is was a few minute drive back to the hotel and breakfast.

Not only are desert sunsets nice, but the sunrises too.

Trailhead: As far up Siesta Dr as you're willing to drive
Website: SOTA Site.
Route: Follow Siesta Drive up the canyon to the top.
Red Tape: None

Desert art near the town of Joshua Tree. This one is call "Transmission"

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