Monday, August 19, 2024

W6/CD-001 White Mountain Peak

 White Mountain Peak is a 14er and the third highest mountain in California. We had driven up the day before, and camped at the end of the road. Despite afternoon and evening showers, including some overnight, it was mostly clear when we woke up before sunrise. 

Sunrise in the White Mountains.

At dawn we mounted our bikes and started up the trail. It was steep, and we quickly went to pushing our bikes up. Turns out its really hard to bike at 12,000 feet. By the time we made it the two miles to Bancroft station, the sun had come up, and it was turning into a nice day. The summit was still shrouded in clouds, but they still had time to clear before we got up there.

The trail up White Mountain Peak is long. The downhill sections were quick on bikes, but the ups were slower than if we had just be hiking. Nevertheless we made steady progress up the trail. The switchback section seemed never ending, pushing a bike up it, but we did it. At around 14,000' we left the bikes by the side of the trail and went straight up. Then we were on the summit. The clouds had mostly lifted, and we got decent views.

Happy to get my first 14er.

There were already a number of people up there. After quickly layering up, we took some photos then got on the air. There was decent cell service, and we had no trouble spotting. It was pretty chilly though, so we didn't linger too long. The walk back to the bikes was quick, then even quicker riding down the hill.

Looking back at the summit.

It took a few switchbacks for me to get the hang of riding down the steep, rocky trail, but I got it. Everything was going well until Rex's back brake cable broke. That made the ride more interesting for him. But we all made it back to the car safely. 

The bike I had was old, and not very fun. Turns out you really do want shock absorbers and working gear shifters when riding in the mountains. Who could have guessed. Next time I think I'll just hike to the summit, or do it as a trail run. 

Trailhead: End of White Mountain Road
Website: SOTA Site.
Route: Follow the road all the way to the summit. There are no junctions.
Red Tape: None.
Video: Coming Soon!

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