Tuesday, August 20, 2024

W6/WH-003 Piute Mountain

 After getting down from White Mountain Peak we packed up our tents which we had left set up so they could dry out after the previous night's rain. A quick lunch was eaten, then we headed up the hill towards Piute Mountain.

Looking up at the small col.

We hiked up the hill to the ridge, then turned right. There are two small peaks with a low col between them, and we aimed for the col. From the col, the peak is in front of you. Its not very visible before then. It had been cloudy and windy all morning, but the afternoon weather was great. Calm, warm, sunny, everything you'd want for hiking.

Looking back at White Mountain Peak.

The upper parts of the peak are mostly talus, but is was a size that was pretty easy to walk on. The wind picked up as we approached the summit, but it was easy to set up on the lee side of the hill. There was cell service, at least enough to get some spots out. The bands didn't seem as hot as they had the day before, but all three of us made enough contacts without struggling.
Such a beautiful area.

We took the same route down, more or less. We decided, near the bottom, to go down the hill and walk through the meadow near the parking lot. It was a nice choice, the whole area is very pretty. And there's cell service in the meadow, so we could send any last texts before losing it on the drive to the next peak.

Trailhead: End of White Mountain Road.
Website: SOTA Site.
Route: Head up to the ridge, the follow the ridge to the col between the two small peaks. From there, straight to the summit.
Red Tape: None.
Video: Coming Soon!

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