Thursday, August 22, 2024

W6/WH-004 Campito Mountain

 A few miles down the road from the Sheep Mountain trailhead is the Campito Mountain trailhead. The best place to park is at the col to the northeast of the summit. There is a pullout so you can get off the road. From here, the hike is pretty straightforward.

Looking at the summit from the car.

From the col, there is a cliff which blocks the view of the high point, and to the left a dead tree on the ridge. Start walking towards the tree. It was not a hard walk, especially before the small grove of trees. 
Talus on the way up.

Higher up the slopes there is a lot of talus and some scree. It was pretty easy to avoid the scree which made the hike up a lot more pleasant. If you want a spicier hike, aim for the cliff. It is some class three excitement, but is completely bypassable. On the summit we set up and did our usual thing. The cell service  was good enough to send out some spots.

Looking at County Line Peak and Blanco.

On the way down the scree that was so carefully avoided was gleefully followed. It made it much quicker. Overall, this was a fairly easy summit, and I'd do it again.

Trailhead: White Mountain Road, col to the north east of the peak.
Website: SOTA Site.
Route: Walk straight up the hill to the summit.
Red Tape: None.
Video: Coming Soon!

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