Thursday, September 3, 2020

W4V/HB-036 Waonaze Peak

 I was in the DC area for work, and had the day off so I decided to get some summits in. Thinking Shenandoah would be very busy, I decided to go a bit farther west to the nearby national forest. There are a number of peaks in the George Washington NF, but I decided on Waonaze and Short Mountain for today.

Trailhead sign.
I parked in the OHV lot at Edinburg Gap, across VA675 from the trailhead. The trailhead was not obvious, but I found it after a moment of looking at the brush on the west side of the OHV road. The first few yards of the trail were extremely overgrown, but then it opened up to a nicely maintained trail. 
Blaze and trail.
The trail is blazed with orange short-long. It was obvious no one had been up the trail in a while since I was constantly walking through spider webs. Despite its low usage, the trail seemed to be well maintained, and it was easy to follow. At the high point I stepped off the trail and found a clearing to set up my antenna in.
Lush eastern forest
On the air I had no problem spotting myself or getting contacts. It was gray and overcast, so I didn't linger on the summit since I didn't know if it was going to rain. The run down to the road was quick. Only the top section of the trail is rocky, and it wasn't enough to make the going hard.
The spring was dry (mid-August)
Trailhead: OHV parking area, Edinburg Gap, VA 675
Website: SOTA Site.
Maps: AA6XA SOTA Hikes map.
Route: Cross the road, then follow the trail up to the summit.
Red Tape: None.

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