Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 45, 8-2

--> Melville Nauheim Shelter, 17.4 miles

Today was a lot nicer than yesterday. Everything was wet as I packed up. The rocks in Vermont seem less slippery than those in Maine. I stopped by the Kid Gore Shelter to use the privy. There was a mother there hiking with her three kids. The youngest looked only 5 or 6, and the sister had Down Syndrome. The second sister was a bit older. From there I climbed up Glastonbury Mountain, which has a look out tower. It was a good place to stop for lunch, but it was cold with the wind blowing.

The last 8 miles were a pleasant walk through Vermont forests. There were a few places where the trees opened up a bit and there was sort of a view. This shelter is pretty messy, probably because it is so close to the road. There were two sleeping bags set up when I arrived, so I wonder when the owners will show up.

The bags belonged to two NOBOs who had spent the day in Bennington eating and charging electronics. They didn't stay the night. A few others showed up but most of them tented. I got the level to myself.

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