Saturday, August 17, 2013

Day 52, 8-9

--> The Hemlocks Shelter, 19.7 miles

Well, there were no mosquitoes today. However, there was a lot of rain. It woke me up around 3:30. The rain stopped briefly around 7 when I left. By the time I got to the bottom of the hill it was raining again. It rained hard, it sprinkled, it rained hard again. I was soaked. It was fairly warm so I didn't need a raincoat. There was a long, flat section through fields and pastures. I saw two deer; I won a staring contest with the first one. I took a lunch break during a brief stop in the rain. At the last paved road in Massachusetts there was a monument noting that the last battle of Shay's rebellion took place there.

The climb up to here was pretty steep in the beginning. I did get a bit of a view on a ledge. There are two shelters here 1/10 of a mile apart. This one I'm at is a lot nicer. There are 2 other SOBOs and 2 NOBOs here tonight. It's really dark in the shelter, and it's raining again. I hope it blows over overnight. I don't want to walk to Salisbury in the rain.

We played Texas Hold 'Em, betting with rocks and acorns. It was fun, but kind of cramped in the loft. I was the third person to run out of "money", which is better than I thought I'd do.

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