Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day 56, 8-13

--> Telephone Pioneers Shelter, 21.2 miles

As I was eating breakfast I saw a bear walking through the woods. My first bear! It started to rain shortly after I left, and rained until I got to the 10 Mile Shelter. I stepped at the next shelter for lunch, even thought there was a terrible smell. A NOBO looked underneath and saw a dead possum. Mystery solved. After lunch I missed a turn and went the wrong way since I wasn't paying attention. I realized my mistake after about half a mile, and had to backtrack.

I stopped at the garden center for a while, and got a Coke and some chips. On the way up here I passed the largest oak on the AT. Dave the Pirate and Smiles are here, so it looks like I'm catching up to some other SOBOs.There are also a few NOBOs so we had fun. Tomorrow I'm going to the RPH Shelter, which I hear is really nice. And you can get pizza delivered there. The weather is also supposed to be nice the next few days, which is good news.

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