Monday, May 30, 2022

W6/CT-225 Flint Peak

I had time in the morning before going back to the airport, so I decided to head up to this peak. Many of you will recognize this peak as the favorite of N6AN, however, since it was a last minute decision to come up, I wasn't able to meet up with him.

Gate at the end of the road.

I parked at the end of Figueroa Street. There is plenty of space here. On the other side of the gate is a short but steep trail that leads up to the fire roads running along the ridge. Follow it towards the summit, passing under some high voltage lines. The power lines were really crackling when I passed.

The dirt road drops to a small col, where the road becomes paved.  Follow this up the rest of the way. The actual high point is inside the fence, but along the fence line are some big pine trees. I setup along the trees, to be in the shade. As you'd expect, there is great service on top.
QCXmini and MTR, ready for action. 

I put out a spot and was soon making contacts. I didn't make a huge number, but there were plenty of chasers out. Setting up the antenna so close to the fence might have affected it some. Once the calls stopped coming, I packed up and took the same route back, then headed for the airport and home.

Trailhead: End of Figueroa Street.
Website: SOTA Site.
Maps: AA6XA SOTA Hikes map.
Route: Follow the trail and fire roads up to the summit.
Red Tape: None. 
Video: Coming soon!

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