Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Day 36, 7-24

--> Velvet Rocks Shelter, 15.2 miles

I definitely didn't bring enough food on this section. It's a bit after three and I'm exhausted. There was only a climb up Moose Mountain this morning, the rest was down or flat. On the way down Moose Mountain the sky got very dark, but it blew over and didn't rain. It is very nice out right now, perfect weather to be outside in.

There is a father and son here on an overnight hike. The dad thrued a few year ago. They have a radio playing which is kind of annoying. He did share some snacks and candy with me later, so I won't complain.
Tomorrow is Hanover. It is .8 downhill to the Coop, so there is no rush in the morning because it doesn't open until 8. There are also a few place where I can get free food in town.

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